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Who Are We?

The Saskatoon Branch of the Saskatchewan Genealogical Society (SBSGS) is a volunteer organization whose purpose is to promote and develop the study, research and preservation of genealogy and family history.

The first organizational meeting of SBSGS was held on Jan 23, 1971 and thanks to the support and dedication of almost 700 past and current members we are still going strong after more than 50 years!

Click here- 50th Anniversary recognition from SGS


Membership in our Branch requires concurrent membership in our parent organization, the Saskatchewan Genealogical Society (SGS). For 2025, SGS membership (Jan – Dec) is $70. Saskatoon Branch (SBSGS) membership is an additional $30 (must be an SGS member first).

Benefits of membership in the Saskatoon Branch include: 10 monthly Branch Meetings with educational programming; Special Interest Chat Groups; monthly newsletter, News and Notes; Library access, including borrowing references to use at home; and numerous chances to interact with fellow genealogists. Our meetings are now available via multiple modalities: in person, online, and via Zoom. Distance from Saskatoon, and weather, now have little impact on our ability to share our love of genealogy with each other!  To get in touch with our Membership Coordinator, email sbsgsmembership@gmail.com.

Information about the benefits of membership in SGS and access to the membership application/renewal form can be found at 


It's Membership Time!
SGS has announced a Growth Incentive Membership program for 2025.  If a current SGS member partners with a new or returning member (a past member who hasn’t been a member for 3 years), each person will only have to pay $42 for SGS membership (40% off the regular fee).  Add on the $30 SBSGS membership fee and the total is only $72 for a whole year of benefits from two organizations!  

If you are interested in partnering, SBSGS might be able to help connect a current and potential member for the benefit of both!  Just let us know if you are interested by sending an email to info@genealogysaskatoon.ca.  We will then set up a match based on order of request and let the current and potential member know the partner’s name to put on the membership form.  

Membership information and access to the form can be found at https://saskgenealogy.com/membership-fees/. 

No promises we can make this work for everyone, but why not give it a try?

Individuals are encouraged to join or renew as soon as possible in order to receive the newsletter and meeting information, borrow library materials, and to participate in chat groups during 2024.







Branch Events

 Branch Meetings

The theme for our 2024-25 programs  (September to June) is “Beyond the Basics!”  Speakers will cover topics that will be relevant to both new and seasoned genealogists, including expansion of topics covered in 2023-2024 and new topics not yet covered.  

Meetings are held every third Thursday at 7:00 PM.  The January meeting will be held on January 16 at 7:00 PM.  This will be a Zoom-only meeting; a link to the meeting will be sent out to all members.

The topic for the January 16 program will be Homestead Records.  Many people arrived in Western Canada and the USA in search of free or inexpensive land where they could settle and raise a family. Owning land and feeding a family in their ‘home country’ was often an extremely difficult undertaking, made even harder when there were wars and oppressors involved. Was ‘homesteading’ in Canada worth the gamble of leaving home to come to a new land? What was involved in getting a homestead? Where can we find the records?

Join us on January 16, 2025 when Linda Suveges will review the process of ‘homesteading’ and discuss how to locate information about an ancestor’s homestead. Linda will use some examples to illustrate settlers’ experiences in Canada and the USA.

At the conclusion of the program, we encourage everyone to participate by sharing additional information about their family experiences as homesteaders on the Prairies!

Non-members of SBSGS are welcome to attend the presentation for a fee of $10.00. Please contact us at info@genealogysaskatoon.ca for further information and to register.  

Special Interest Chat Groups (Members Only)

Chat Group meetings via Zoom will resume on Thursdays, starting with the British Isles Group meeting on January 23, 2025 at 7:00 PM.  The complete January to June schedule can be found here. 


Library Hours

The Library will not be open for regular hours from December through March. Library hours will resume In April when we once again meet in person. If you wish to get in touch with the Librarian, please email sbsgs.library@sasktel.net. 




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2025 Heritage Festival

On Sunday, February 2nd, the Heritage Festival of Saskatoon will hold its annual festival day (12:00 noon – 5:00 pm) at the Western Development Museum, with the theme Discovering Our Heritage. This annual festival brings together numerous heritage and cultural organizations in Saskatoon under one roof to showcase them to the public.

Admission is free and there will be live entertainment, cultural dancers, over 30 exhibits, kids' activities and more. Bring your friends and family for a fun and educational afternoon, and be sure to drop by the SBSGS booth!


Archives Week: The Thrill of Discovery

Heritage enthusiasts are invited to celebrate Saskatchewan’s annual Archives Week the week of February 2 to 8, 2025. This year is a significant milestone: it is the 20th anniversary of Archives Week and the 80th anniversary of the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan.

Join the Provincial Archives in celebration of archives and archivists on Wednesday, February 5 for a special event, Archives Week: The Thrill of Discovery. The evening will commence with a presentation delivered by architectural historian, Frank Korvemaker, focusing on the “needles in a haystack” that he has researched throughout his career and his joy at discovering the answer in the archives. Following the presentation, you can browse displays by local archives and go on a guided behind-the-scenes tour of the Provincial Archives.

The event takes place on Wednesday, February 5 in Regina at 2440 Broad Street. Doors will open at 6:15 pm and the presentation will begin at 7 pm.

For other Archives Week events taking place in the province, please visit the Saskatchewan Council for Archives & Archivists’ Archives Week website.


SBSGS Annual General Meeting

The 2025 SBSGS AGM will be held at 7:00 PM on Thursday, March 20, 2025 (via Zoom). An
agenda and the Annual Report for 2025 will be sent to all members before the end of February. Members are encouraged to attend to discuss the operations of the Branch, and to participate in the election of Board members. NOTE: we will have an educational program immediately after the AGM.


Genealogy Charts

If you find it useful to keep track of ancestors on paper, we have 7-generation (pedigree format) and 10-generation (fan format) charts for sale. They are 24x36 inches, and are $10.00 each. Just ask Peggy or Jane at a Branch meeting, or contact Peggy at peggymausch@sasktel.net to purchase one.


Interesting Websites

How Libraries are Revolutionizing Family Tree Research.


Saskatoon Genealogy on Facebook

Have you checked out our two Facebook sites yet?
The SBSGS business page can be found at:
Follow this site to hear about SBSGS activities and events.

The Saskatoon Genealogy Group can be found at: 
or accessed via a link in the upper right corner of this page of the SBSGS website. 



Members Only Area

Remember Me

Contact Us

We would like to hear from you!

Please send us your ideas for speakers, comments on our website, questions for our Board, or any other thoughts you may have that would help us improve our Branch.

We can be contacted either by "snail-mail" at:

Bay 1, 1730 Quebec Ave. 
Saskatoon SK   S7K 1V9

or, you can send us an email to info@genealogysaskatoon.ca.